Friday, February 09, 2007

Welcome to Firenze!

Yesterday, following class, students met in front of the school at 4 p.m. for a walking tour of the historical centre of Florence, given by professional English-speaking tour guides. The tour ended at the Loggia del Grano, a bar/cafĂ© where they were to experience their first aperitivo and a welcome reception. Aperitivo means much more in Italy than just a before-dinner drink. It also means a wonderful spread of appetizers. We were all treated to foccaccia, flatbread pizza, cous cous, pasta, and other wonderful dishes. The AIFS staff gave the group a wonderful welcome toast, and it was clear that everyone was ecstatic to be there. What a fantastic first week it’s been. Salute!


mariola said...

Why is the AIFS "crew" so photo shy? Please send them my best regards,

Carolyn Seefer said...


Yes, I will definitely tell them you said hello. I believe that most of the same crew is here, including Kirsty, Ged, Norma, and Sophie. There's also a new member named Fabrizio. They're great!
