Just a few things that don’t fit nicely into an individual topic:
1. Yes, I finally saw Dreamgirls! I went to the matinee showing of this film at the Odeon yesterday. The velvet rope guy recognized me immediately, gave me a big smile, and, when I handed him the ticket stub he had signed last week, he promptly tore it once again and waved me in. I really enjoyed the film, especially the fact that I was seeing it in such an historic building. The theatre itself was beautiful—plush velvet seats, marvelous mosaic tile floors, and a stunning stained glass dome. This place really puts all U.S. multiplexes to shame!
1. Yes, I finally saw Dreamgirls! I went to the matinee showing of this film at the Odeon yesterday. The velvet rope guy recognized me immediately, gave me a big smile, and, when I handed him the ticket stub he had signed last week, he promptly tore it once again and waved me in. I really enjoyed the film, especially the fact that I was seeing it in such an historic building. The theatre itself was beautiful—plush velvet seats, marvelous mosaic tile floors, and a stunning stained glass dome. This place really puts all U.S. multiplexes to shame!
2. I’ve found that it’s so enjoyable to practice my Italian, even though I have a long way to go. The other day, while taking out my trash (yes, one of the glamorous parts about living in Florence), I saw the old man who runs the trattoria across from my apartment. It had just started to rain, and I tried to comment on this to him, but evidently I had forgotten the correct word for “rain.” I then apologized, saying Mi dispiace, il mio italiano è male (“I’m sorry, my Italian is bad”), to which he immediately responded, No, il tuo italiano è così così (“Your Italian is so-so”). I guess I’m getting somewhere after all!
3. I’ve mentioned before the impossibly narrow sidewalks, as well as the lack of pedestrian right-of-way. This may be true, but pedestrians in Florence have no fear. In fact, the narrow streets are clogged with pedestrians, walking right down the middle. Most of the streets are one way, and the locals have learned to simply sense a car, truck, or Vespa coming up behind them, moving out of the way at the very last second, without once even glancing back.
4. It costs .85 euros to mail a letter to the United States. (Chip, keep an eye on the mailbox!) But don’t go to the post office to buy a stamp because you’ll wait in line forever to do so. Instead, go to a tabaccheria (tobacco shop) for your stamps. Who would have thought?
5. Yesterday I saw Parmalat milk, for the first time, stacked up along the wall of a forno (bakery). (Yes, this is the same company that is the center of what might possibly be the largest accounting fraud case in history.) This milk is sold in juice box-like packaging, is not refrigerated, and the milk I saw yesterday had an expiration date somewhere in late 2008. Just what could they possibly put into that milk to make it last so long without refrigeration? I don’t think I really want to find out!
7. In many places, a glass of wine costs the same or less than a Coca-Cola. This makes the decision about what to order rather easy, don’t you think?
All this Italy talk makes me yearn for my favorite European country. I may end up making another trip to Italy in September. I so enjoy reading your posts each day, but I want to be there so badly. I can't stand it. Glad you're enjoying yourself.
Annette, I share your reflections. Carolyn, by reading your entries, I almost feel like I am there already. I am counting down the weeks till my visit. My apartment is/will be about 2 blocks from yours!
Ciao bella,
Annette and Maria, I'm so glad that you're enjoying the blog! I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying writing it. In addition to you, and other family, friends, and colleagues, many of the students' parents are reading it. What a great way for them to keep up with what their kids are doing!
Maria, I'm so excited that you'll coming to Florence in April. (Annette, I wish so badly that you were joining her!) What street is your apartment on?
Carolyn - Buongiorno!!
I enjoy catching up with you via your blog. Sounds like a great experience. Being married to a Capone girl makes it all the more interesting for me. Arrivederci!!!
Hey Rich!
Well, cuz, it's so great to hear from you! You know, just last night I told the students I went out with about you and your beautiful Italian wife! Wish you and Licia were here with me!
Ciao, Carolyn
The apartment is on Via Ghibellina 121. That should be close to the theater and of course Standa!! I had a detailed map of Florence, but locating it is another story.
Ci vediamo,
I found your street! I don't know where you are on it, but I'll look the next time I go over to Standa for grocery shopping. Some of the student apartments are also on this street. Great location!
Ciao, Carolyn
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