Tuesday, April 17, marked the last lecture for the Italian Life and Culture class; this one was about Catholicism in Italy, a very important topic indeed! And was it our imagination, or were some of the students a little more carefully dressed for this particular lecture? Whatever could be the reason for that? Of course, Picture Day!

When the lecture concluded, our entire group crossed the Arno to get to a preestablished location for what has become an AIFS tradition: the group photo.

Now imagine the time it takes to organize 170 students, 6 faculty member, and 5 AISF staff member into one pose that will result in a decent picture. (At least that time allowed me to take a few photos myself!)

But somehow we did it, the photographer raised his wide-lens camera into the air, and the moment was captured forever.

But the students weren’t ready for the picture taking to end quite yet. For at least a half hour, students lined up for more pictures, both posed and candid. There was a sense of jubilation in the air, yet it was underscored with a sense of sadness and nostalgia. Somehow this day made all of us realize that our time in Florence was coming much, much too quickly to an end…

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