Well, it had to come to an end sometime. Our last classes met on Monday, April 30 (other than the Italian class, which would meet on May 2), and Tuesday, May 1, was yet another national holiday. Italians love their holidays! So we decided to use this holiday for our final faculty get-together at Toni’s villa. This would be the last chance for all of us to get together. Toni and Coley were leaving the next day for Prague. Rebecca and her girls were flying back with the students on Friday. And Bob and Joan and Lanny and Jane were going to continue touring through Europe, both couples also departing Friday.
All of a sudden we realized that we were late to get to Toni’s. We were supposed to be there a 6:00, and it was already 6:10. How time flies! We grabbed our things—we had all been assigned a dish to bring to dinner—and went out to try to get a taxi, which is always a challenge in Florence. We finally found one, but he would take only four of us, so Janet, Keira, and I hopped in with all the food, and Rebecca and Leia walked.
It was getting late, and people started to say their goodbyes. Coley went up to bed, and Lanny and Jane and Bob and Joan all headed off to their apartments. Those of us who remained, though, decided that we needed one last look of the Florence skyline at night from the hill on Toni’s property.
It was after midnight and pitch dark. Toni, Janet, Rebecca, Leia, Keira, and I made our way slowly up the hill, grabbing on to one another as needed. Toni led the way, the rest of feeling blind on the unfamiliar ground. We finally reached the clearing at the top of the old Roman road, and there was Florence, her lights twinkling against the dark sky, looking like a piece of heaven.
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