This time we made it into the California Business Education Association (CBEA) Fall 2007 newsletter, a great organization of which I am a member. Here's the article, which was written by Judy Foster, one of my colleagues at DVC:
Blogging Her Way Through Florence, Italy
Submitted by Judy S. Foster, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill
How would you like to accompany your business to Firenze--as the Italians call Florence--while teaching your business courses? Well, that's exactly what Carolyn Seefer, a full-time business educator at Diablo Valley College and CBEA Bay Section member did last semester. Carolyn has the distinction of being the first Diablo Valley College business instructor to be selected to participate in the Study Abroad program.
DVC instructors have been offered opportunities to lead fall and spring semester student groups to London, England; Paris, France; and Florence, Italy; and summer language institute groups to Jinan, China, and to Salamanca, Spain.
Last semester Carolyn taught two 3-unit "off-campus" courses in Florence--Business Communications and International Business--January 28 through May 14. So that her colleagues could virtually share in her experiences, she created a blog, which she invites anyone to check out: http://www.dvc-in-italy.blogspot.com/.
If you would like to consider using blogs in your courses, you're limited only by your imagination. For articles, writing tools, and examples on how you and your students might use blogs, go to http://awd.cl.uh.edu/blog/, a page about Blogs in Education hosted by the University of Houston-Clear Lake.
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